You are here on earth to write.

Sign up for a free course on building your writing life from the author of They Could Have Named Her Anything.

You love to write, but questions remain. How can I prioritize writing with a 9-5 job? What if I don't have time to write 1,000 words every day? How can I nurture my creative soul when I'm constantly tired, bogged down in daily routines? I've been right there with you, mired in doubt and confusion. But the truth is that if you love to write, you already have everything you need to become a published writer.

In my free, five day e-course, I'll share lessons I learned while writing my first novel, so that you can use them to someday publish yours. Sign up today for Building Your Writing Life – an e-course on craft, confidence, and how to start living a life dedicated to your writing.

Finding clarity of purpose

When I first started writing They Could Have Named Her Anything, I didn't know a single person who had published a book.

I wrote all the time, but I self-sabotaged. I abandoned my projects for weeks at a time.

What I was missing was the faith that I, too, could be a writer. If you love to write, nothing should stop you -- not money, not rejection, and most of all, not yourself.

Building Your Writing Life contains the lessons I needed to revolutionize my approach to my craft and find joy in the process of honing my voice. I hope it can help you, too.

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